Exporting Data From Admin+

Inside Admin+ you can export certain data to a Google Sheet or a PDF. This will enable you to view saved data without having to log into Admin+.

This option to Export to Sheets or a PDF is available on the Users, Groups, Users in Storage, Files in Storage, Duplicate Files in Storage, and Shared Drives in Storage pages. On the Assets and Tickets pages, you only have the option to export to Sheets.

How to Export to Sheets:

Click on Export to Google Sheets

    1. This will create a Google Spreadsheet in your account's Google Drive.
    2. The spreadsheet will only display the data on the table.
    3. The naming convention of the spreadsheet will be Export TableName Date Timestamp.
    4. The titles of the columns on the spreadsheet will be the headers of the columns on the table.

How to Export to PDF

  1. Click on Export to PDF
    1. This will create a PDF in your files.
    2. The PDF will only display the data that is displayed on the screen.

Updated January 4, 2024

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