How to Use the Give Calendar Access Action

The Give Calendar Access action will share a selected calendar with a user. The user will be permitted to make changes to the calendar event, but not be able to share the calendar with anybody else.

To share a calendar with a user follow the following steps:

  1. Log in to Admin+.
  2. Go to Workflows on the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on New Workflow near the top right.
  4. Select From Scratch.
  5. Provide a Name and Description for the Workflow.
  6. Select the Trigger Type
  7. Choose New Action to set the Action - Give Calendar Access
    1. This will prompt for a Calendar ID. Calendar ID must include the domain
    2. Calendar ID can be found under the integrate calendar section in the calendar settings
    3. Users can only enter one Calendar ID in the workflow action textbox. If you want to give a user access to multiple calendars, you must use multiple Give Calendar Access actions.
    4. Note: The service account default user is not required to be the owner of the calendar, but rather the service account default user just needs access to the calendar
  8. Click Next: Review in the bottom right when all the Conditions and Actions are set
  9. Finally, select Enable in the top right to activate the workflow

After a user has been given access to a calendar they will receive an email stating a calendar has been shared with them and they must add the calendar to their calendar before they can see it.

Updated January 4, 2024

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