Support Options


Schools automatically receive our Essential Support when you purchase Google Workspace for Education paid licenses from Kincaid IT. This support includes a call to manage your licenses, where we explain how to assign, remove, and effectively manage them. If you have any questions about the features that come with your licenses, the Kincaid IT helpdesk will direct you to the appropriate resources.


This support option goes beyond license and feature-specific questions and provides you with direct access to Kincaid IT Google engineers. Our experts will field all your Google questions, and they will help you troubleshoot and resolve issues in your tenant. Kincaid IT will also be able to help you with escalating support tickets to Google support when needed.


Let Kincaid IT’s Google experts manage the daily operations of your Workspace tenant so you can focus on other matters. Our experienced Google engineers act as your super admin and take care of Google Admin console work, such as adding and removing users, managing groups and OUs, managing licenses, and more. We will ensure proper Admin console settings for optimal collaboration and protection against spam and phishing attacks.

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